Thursday, September 6, 2007

Aggravated Doc-Surge

Sometimes my brain starts skipping in its groove, and something will repeat itself over and over again in random moments of my days and nights. Lately, like for a week or two now, it has been "aggravated doc-surge." Sometimes, I will say it out loud when it comes to mind. I was standing in my garden last night taming the massive, out-of-control arugula patch (picture me with safari hat and machete) and I whispered it a few times. Aggravated doc-surge. The dog next door howled.

I can only surmise that there are times that my brain goes somewhat haywire, and I have no idea what prompts it or how to make it go away. My old therapist would claim it's probably anxiety related and would recommend a regimen of relaxation exercises and squishy ball play. I think my cranial wiring is a bit squiffy myself, having heard about research done on the traumatized brains of children and the resulting neuropathways that are created, and that once those pathways are established, the brain can find its way back to these pathways more than once and with ease. It's a bit of a carnival in there sometimes. I'm especially prone to earworms — songs in my head play so constantly and steadily that they will wake me up in the night.

Aggravated Doc-Surge? Some of you vintage folks like myself might remember it instantly, or not at all even if you saw it on TV. My brain twigs onto things others may find unremarkable or not memorable.

It's from M*A*S*H* (for which I have several afflictions, one of which I wrote about before — the "and Peg pours me a damn cup of coffee" line). We watched a lot of M*A*S*H* when I was a young person.

Captain Sloan: I'm Captain Sloan, Supervising Acc-Fin
Hawkeye Pierce: "Acc-Fin?"
Captain Sloan: Accounting and Finance.
Hawkeye Pierce: Oh. I'm Hawkeye Pierce. Aggravated Doc-Surge.

I love that somebody made a Hawkeye-O-Lantern. Makes me feel much more sane.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A "Hawkeye" Lantern: How cool! Hey, thanks for visiting my site! I'll have a look around here as well. Cheers!